10 Super Awesome Things This Week

Here’s a look at how the week went down plus things loved and adored.

  1. I finished the audiobook of The Fifth Season, N.K. Jemisin. Woah – loved it! I’m switching to the eBook of Big Little Lies, Liane Moriarty which is probably the last book I’ll get to on my Fall Reading List.
  2. Now it’s time to start thinking about my winter reading list and some of the books on “From Books Riot to the Wall Street Journal: The Best African Books in 2015” are going to be on it.
  3. Have you seen this video about Instagram husbands. … which is so NOT my hubby. He would laugh in my face if I asked him to take photos for my blog or Instagram.
  4. The best Android phones, tablet, and smartwatch of 2015 is making the techie in me twitch … but I just don’t need any new gadgets right now … right?!Fall Weekender Gadgets
  5. I’ve found the tips in 11 Tweaks to Your Daily Routine Will Make Your Day More Productive to be very helpful. “Set Goals for the Day” means I outline just 2 things I’d like to cross off my to-do list and get to working – every day.
  6. Amazon has been sharing favorite reads of 2015 from celebrities including George R.R. Martin, Rick Riordan, Gillian Flynn and Judy Blume … yes, authors are celebrities.
  7. Just because I need one right now, and why not get the best – What Are the Best Insulated Travel Mugs?
  8. I’ve never even heard of half of the movies on The NY Times list of Best Movies of 2015. Have you?
  9. This weekend I may just have to you a few of the ideas on 101 Lies to Tell So You Can Stay Home and Read.
  10. #AMonthofFaves: Getting Sh*t Done had some super awesome helpful tips for getting through the daily grind.

// Comments //

  1. My son loved Jemisin’s The Killing Moon – do you think he’d like this series, too? I will have to check it out.

    Lots of great links here I want to check out. I laughed out loud at your comment on the Instagram Husbands!

    You always seem so well-organized – I am just trying to get through the holiday season and get everything done! Maybe I’ll get more on top of things for my blogs next year…

    Enjoy your books and the rest of the holiday season!


    Book By Book

  2. Andi

    Dec 20

    Thanks for sharing my Getting Sh*t Done post! I am stoked about the Best African Books post. I have been dying to read Under the Udala Trees. I’m glad I own it so it’ll be part of #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks in 2016. My husband showed me the Instagram Husbands video. Hillllarious!

  3. Very awesome list! My husband is not an Instagram husband either. He gives me weird looks when I take pics of my beverages.

    Not on the Best Of list but I’m getting a Garmin smart watch for Christmas. I’m pretty excited about it.