October Kicked Ass Now It’s On to November


October saw me finally settle into a routine with work, fitness and blogging – only to have it upended by switching to night shifts for a week. Oh well, I’m putting all that “good habit learning” into effect and just trying to roll with it. Right noe I’m back in NY to watch my brother run the NY Marathon. What an amazing accomplishment by all those runners! Any big changes for you in October?


It was all about #WickedGoodReads here on Girlxoxo, which I already recapped here, so I won’t go into it again, except to say I loved the comments and now have a reading list a mile long!

Wicked Good Reads

 {Fit Bits}

Dude, I crushed it this month (well, really the 2nd half of this month, but whatevs). My fitness goals for the month were to log 50 miles running, and go to Crossfit at least 3x a week. Mission Accomplishedimage

Looking Forward … November

4x Crossfit every week.
Log 65 miles running.
Run a Turkey Trot
✱ Turn it up on the nutritious eating front, starting with Veggies every day – back to green smoothies.
✱ Run outside at least once per week instead of solely on the treadmill * this is going to be so hard because I’m allergic to the cold … #caribbeanlifestyle

How was your month. What are you looking forward to in November.


// Comments //

  1. Sounds like you had a great Oct and I loved your Wicked Reads features. Well done with the exercise and good luck for your Nov goals. Go smash them!

  2. I was sick most of September & October (a little better in Oct but still not great), so I didn’t do so well on any of my goals – a full month behind on book reviews now! But I loved all my spooky October reading 🙂 Just finishing up Dracula on audio – awesome!

    Happy November!


    Book By Book

    • Tanya Patrice

      Nov 05

      @Sue ooh food to know Dracula is good on audio. I have it so just need to get to it. I hope November is better for your health.

  3. Really great mileage there! I can’t blame you for wanting to stay indoors; it’s not too cold here yet but the idea isn’t fun.

    Now you know the routine works you’ll be able to use it again 🙂

    I’m looking forward to time with friends and social events.

    • Tanya Patrice

      Nov 05

      @Charlie awesome foal. I need to do more of that too. I tend to be a hermit sometimes.

  4. I loved your #wickedgoodreads and now I have tons of great scary books to read!
    In October I finally got back into running with c25k and I love running in the cold 🙂 Hop you can get used to it perhaps with lots of layers! Have a great November!

    • Tanya Patrice

      Nov 05

      @Bina omg I dread running in the cold but I swear I’m going to try and do it this year … maybe 🙂 Good luck with C25K. I started using it a while back too and really liked it.

  5. Andi

    Nov 01

    It sounds like you had a fantastic month! I need to up my fitness goals. I’m interviewing for a job this week that would allow me to work from home, and I hope not having an hour commute every day would allow me the time I need to get outdoors more. Cheers to a great November!

    • Tanya Patrice

      Nov 05

      @Andi ooohhh sending food vibes your way. I hope you get the job.