#ReadThis #CrazyLove Will Fuck you Up {A Reading List}

Books With No Nonsense Wives

I’ve read some awesome books with secrets in marriages – ones where the wives will fuck you up! Below are 3 of my favorite recent reads – Books With Wives You Don’t Want to Mess With.

Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn

 On a warm summer morning in North Carthage, Missouri, it is Nick and Amy Dunne’s fifth wedding anniversary. Presents are being wrapped and reservations are being made when Nick’s clever and beautiful wife disappears.
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“This book is total mind-fuckery! There is just no better way to put it.” The story is told from alternating point-of-views of Nick and Amy. And, as with all marriages, things aren’t always as they at first appear. And the characters are so damn UNLIKABLE! That’s right, I hated myself for liking one over the other … but, I couldn’t stop listening to the audiobook. It was intense and insane.

The Silent Wife by A.S.A. Harrison

Brief description – Jodi and Todd are at a bad place in their marriage. Much is at stake, including the affluent life they lead in their beautiful waterfront condo in Chicago, as she, the killer, and he, the victim, rush haplessly toward the main event. He is a committed cheater. She lives and breathes denial.

In The Silent Wife, the main characters and married couple, Todd and Jodi, made it so I couldn’t look away. Jodi is a piece of work! Thanks to her being a psychologist, she has a sort of detachment that makes her look at things. Even when she freaks out – it’s in her head and outwardly she remains cool and collected. Scary! Todd is so the good guy in his own head that even when he messes up, he manages to convince himself that it’s other people’s fault and he’s being wronged. These two together – it’s like a methane gas leak … slow to explode, but watch out, because it is a-coming!

Salvation of a Saint (Detective Galileo #2), Keigo Higashino, Alexander O. Smith (Translator)

Yoshitaka, who was about to leave his marriage and his wife, is poisoned by arsenic-laced coffee and dies. His wife, Ayane, is the logical suspect – except that she was hundreds of miles away when he was murdered. Detective assistant Kaoru Utsumi, however, is convinced Ayane is guilty. While Utsumi’s instincts tell her one thing, the facts of the case are another matter.

The Detective Galileo series is turning out to be one of my all time favorites! I don’t know how the author does it, but he manages to write a captivating mystery where we know who has committed the crime … or we think we know … yet, it’s still keenly interesting, intriguing and even had me second guessing things all the time. In Salvation of a Saint, the intricacies of the investigation were a delightful mystery – who did it wasn’t as important as to how, and in this book, the “how” revealed at the end was crazy yo!!!!

Do you have a recommendation for books with crazy or bad-ass wives?

(Photo Credit)


// Comments //

  1. maria helena

    Feb 08

    Detective Galileo has quickly become one of my favourites too.

  2. Tina

    Feb 14

    I liked Gone Girl, loved the intrigue. Will try and get both of these you recommended. Stay warm!!

  3. Cayce

    Feb 12

    Salvation of a Saint!! YES, that wife was something else. 😉

  4. Pamela D

    Feb 12

    Salvation of a Saint’s blurb definitely peaked my interest. Thanks for sharing!