10 Dope Things This Week

Here’s a look at some interesting things we found / saw / thought / did this week.


  1. Which of these Books Coming to the Big Screen in 2016 or  are you interested in seeing? I’m actually listening to the audiobook of The Fifth Wave now, in anticipation of seeing the movie.
  2. Have you seen this girl’s Bullet Journal?! Love it.
  3. Here’s How to Keep Your Resolution to Read More Books.
  4. I completed “My Why” and “My Goals” in the guided journal I’m using – the Dailygreatness Journal: A Practical Guide for Consciously Creating Your Days. Daily Greatness Journal
  5. I’m making travel a priority this year and I wonder how many of the 52 Places to Go in 2016 – will I get to visit.


  1. As a newbie graphic novel reader and somehow who is hoping to diversify their reading this year, I was really excited to see this roundup of graphic novels by women writers.
  2. Have you seen bullet journaling? A couple of months ago I stumbled upon it and I’ve been experimenting with adding it to my system since then. It’s still a work in progress but I love the concept and the creativity involved.
  3. I’ve always taken on more commitments than are healthy for me. I was a “yes” girl. Last year I made the conscious decision to stop giving a damn about a few things that were mostly just joyless obligations. This article resonated with me in many ways. I do still think there is a time that it’s important to do things we don’t really want to, but most of our life should be about cultivating happiness.
  4. I’ve got high hopes of changing my fitness and wellness game in 2016. I was happy to see that reading really does making you happier and healthier.
  5. A scene from this week

Week 1 This amaryllis bulb was a gift from my mom for hosting Thanksgiving at our house. I love having something green in the house on these dreary winter days and I can’t wait for it to bloom. Let’s hope I can keep it alive until then.

What brightened up your week? Have you made steps to keeping your resolutions this week?

(Photo Credit: Uns Dem / Pexels)


// Comments //

  1. Michelle

    Jan 13

    I am really, really intrigued by this idea of bullet journaling. I will definitely have to look at it more closely.

  2. I haven’t seen this concept of bullet journals before. I used to keep an agenda before that had all sort of lists everywhere, but I usually just keep track of things in my work calendar now and it makes me a bit sad actually.

    • Tanya Patrice

      Jan 12

      @Liza I’m actually incorporating bullet journaling into my work action / to do list. Love it so far, but its a pretty basic system.

  3. One not listed there among the books to movies is The Girl on the Train. That’s the one I want to see.

    I’ll be honest that I’m not one much for journaling. If I write about my life, I do it online with my blog and using Evernote. Paper for me just doesn’t work anymore. Even this comment, I’m typing on Notepad to transfer to your blog. I think it’s also because my writing is basically illegible.

    • Tanya Patrice

      Jan 12

      How could I forget that one Brian?! Have you read the book yet? Did you like it if you did? Kim makes me want to journal more but I’m more into something for organizing than I am into writing about my day.