I have always been a sporadic poster to Instagram but I do enjoy participating in the #bookstagram community. While reviewing my posts from this past year I realized that several of them feature some of my favorite things! I thought it might be fun to gather them all into a post…
ONE. Murphy

My number one favorite thing? My cat, Murphy. He’s my shadow and whenever I’m reading he’s usually nearby supervising.
TWO. Pie

Ya’ll. I love pie. I love pie so much that I have birthday pie rather than birthday cake every year. I can make a pretty decent pie crust so this year my mother in law gifted me with some pie dough cutters that create pretty shapes to decorate your pie with. This fall I featured one that I made in a #bookstagram post!
THREE. Meditating Skeleton.

I love my little skeleton! He sits on my desk all spooky season and reminds me to take deep breaths. Ha!
FOUR. Mugs. Also…coffee.

I might have a thing for cute mugs. My favorite happens to be this this Fa La La Llama mug. And of course, my mug pics usually feature the elixir of life as well. I’m talking about coffee.
FIVE. Flowers and Sunshine.

I love reading outdoors. This fall I decided to try taking all of my #bookstagram photos on or near my desk. I like them. But I know that I might miss taking book photos outside next summer. So who knows if I’ll stick to this format.
Are you on instagram/bookstagram?