We’re checking in to share the last-now-next in what we’ve been consuming when we’re not baking outside in the summer sun. Well, we also do read outside – so I suppose this is just a mid-summer update.

I just finished an arc of The Last to Vanish, Megan Miranda. I read All the Missing Girls years ago but haven’t read anything from this author since. I enjoyed this one- a solid mystery involving lost hikers.
I’m currently in the middle of Crown Chasers, Rebecca Coffindaffer. It’s a YA Sci-Fi Hunger Games-esque type book and it’s so much fun!
Next up I’ll be starting The Merciless Ones (The Guilded Ones #2), Namina Forna.

The last book I finished is Nothing But Blackened Teeth, Cassandra Khaw. The cover alone is massively creepy and horrorfic, the book itself – not so much. I’m currently reading A Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking, T. Kingfisher to catch up with June’s Book Award Reading Challenge. It won a 2020 Andre Norton Nebula Award for Middle Grade and Young Adult Fiction. Next up is The Final Girl Support Group, Grady Hendrix.

Currently we’re watching Stranger Things season 4. We finished part 1 but haven’t started part 2 yet. We are also watching the latest season of The Umbrella Academy. We haven’t watched many movies but I did take my boys to see The Bad Guys in the theater recently. Typically I have a hard time getting through kid shows but I actually thought this one was well done.
I haven’t been watching much on the screen lately, but I recently finished the 2nd season of Hacks. I thought it was OK to pass the time, but nothing special. In my Functional #PlanWithMe Monthly Reset [July 2022], I have a list of tv shows to watch, and I’m currently finishing up Stranger Things season 4. After that, I’m going to watch Ozark season 4 – I’m re-watching part 1 before starting on part 2.
Lest you think we’re only spending our summer inside reading and watching tv, we’re also out and about enjoying the warmer temperatures.

With record breaking temps here in Northern Utah, we’ve been frequenting splash pads and water parks. This week we’ll be hitting temps of +100 and dealing with increasingly worrisome drought conditions. Only the splash pads that recirculate water are open this year but we’ve been making the most of it. We also did our annual trip to Lagoon which is our local amusement park.

Summer is my favorite season so I’m out as much as possible. Our last outing was taking a jet ski tour of a few of the Northeast Florida and Georgia islands. Now I’m traveling for work but planning a bike ride outside with a group on Sunday followed by a long leisurely day at the beach with friends.
What are you finding yourself spending a lot of time doing this summer?
One response to “(L)ast Now Next – Books and On the Screen [Mid-Summer Edition]”
[…] Watch for a Part 2 with even more amazing Non-Fiction recs later this year. We had some fun with (L)ast Now Next talking about books, tv/movies, and summer fun. And of course, one of our favorites posts to write […]