Mid-Season Goals Check In {The Fall 2016 Edition}

Wherein we assess our progress, adjust as needed and double down if necessary on the goals we made for Fall.

Tanya – 1. Practice reading 30 minutes every day. Epic fail. I read in spurts. Should I just accept that – or double down on this goal? I think I’m doubling down. There’s no reason I can’t do this!

2. 10,000 steps every day. Not an epic failure, but close to it. I haven’t really been tracking – but I know I haven’t done this every day like I should. I’m doubling down and getting it right in November.

3. 30 minute Spanish study daily. A bit ambitious. I think I’m tabling this until January.

I’m re-assessing how I approach goal setting for 2017.

GoalsKim – 1. Blog Ahead Whenever Possible – I do great with this for a bit but then life takes over and blogging suffers. This is a work in progress and I hope to get to the point where I’m consistently a week ahead.

2. Carve Out A Morning Routine – Epic Fail. This is still constantly on my mind, but for now, I’m cutting myself some slack. My son is an early riser so mornings may not be the best time for me.

3. Attend a Group Fitness Class Once A Week – Curbing this and looking at fitness alternatives. I use my evenings to do grad school work which is super intense right now and is the priority. Currently working on putting together a plan that I can do at home.

So goals did not go as smoothly as I’d hoped. I think my problems lies in setting my goals and then not tracking progress. I think I need to implement a weekly goal check in and set smaller goals to help me achieve the bigger ones.

How often do you make goals? How often do you re-assess them?

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